Saturday, January 12, 2013


To add to my previous post on official Maryland things, the MD legislature will soon consider a bill to make the soft-shell crab sandwich Maryland's official state sandwich. I have tried and enjoyed soft-shell crab on several occasions, but sometimes I find it too fishy for my taste. That may be when the establishment serving the crab isn't using the freshest ingredients, so I would recommend only trying soft-shell crab at reputable restaurants, during its peak season. 

The concept of soft-shell crab is very Alien-esque. It does not refer to a different species of crab, but a normal crab that has molted its exoskeleton and is still soft before developing its replacement exoskeleton. But you have to act fast to catch them at this moment, because apparently the shell remains soft for only a few hours. The best time to enjoy soft-shell crab is from May through the summer, as this is when you'll find them fresh from the famous Chesapeake Bay.

The below image is from a New York Times article on how to cook and eat this Maryland treat. 

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